Given anime, a melody that lingers on the heartstrings, returns with a poignant short anime film. Dive into the intimate world of Mafuyu, Uenoyama, Akihiko, and Haruki as music becomes their language of love, loss, and self-discovery. This bittersweet symphony, filled with raw emotions and heartfelt harmonies, will leave you yearning for more, reminding you of the power of music to connect souls and mend broken hearts.
The official Given anime Twitter account recently revealed exciting news about the next installment in its two-part anime film series. Titled “Umi e” (“To the Sea”), the film is set to premiere in Fall 2024, building on the momentum from the earlier release of Given The Movie: Hiiragi Mix in January.
Get ready for another musical journey with the beloved characters as they navigate the waves of emotions and melodies.
So, mark your calendars, dear fans, for Fall 2024 is when we set sail on this new voyage with Given. Let the anticipation build like the tide, carrying us towards a cinematic experience that promises to be as beautiful and poignant as a seashell’s hidden pearl.